We Specialize in Fixing Pet Issues for Your Rug

August 30, 2019

Did you know that Hadeed-Mercer specializes in restoring pet issues? This includes damage to the rug that needs patching, re-fringing, deodorizing, and/or stain removal. After Hadeed-Mercer’s services, you won’t believe the results! For your rug in Mechanicsville, VA, contact Hadeed-Mercer at (804) 358-3811!

Family Heirloom From Blackstone, VA to be Restored

November 29, 2018

“While assessing the basement of my mother-in-law’s house after remodeling, we discovered an old woven rug with pet stains. I am wondering if the rug can be restored and if yes, then what the estimate would be. The dimensions are 11″ x 20″. Thank you!”
– S.C. in Blackstone, VA

Recently found an older rug that was a family heirloom and need it restored? Contact Hadeed-Mercer Carpet today for free pick up and delivery for your rug restoration!